Film Development.

Whether you’ve found some old film in a closet or just finished your roll in your camera, bring it in to us to have it developed and emailed to you in digital form.

If you would like us to print your photos or keep the negatives for you, these will be available for collection the day after you receive the digital files.


  • 35mm Film - Develop and Email Digital File

    • Colour: $22.50 per film roll

    • Black & White: $29.50 per film roll

    • Prints: 40c per print

  • 120mm Film - Develop and Email Digital File

    • Colour: $27.50 per film roll

    • Black & White: $34.50 per film roll

    • Prints: 40c per print

Film Cameras + Film

We have a few different types of film cameras and film available for purchase at our store.

They tend to sell fast, so it's best to inquire ahead of time to see what we have in stock.